The Project

Consistently with the objectives stated for the call “Lifelong Learning Programme” and the Erasmus+ Knowledge Alliance programme – the project CIAKL II – Cinema and Industry Alliance for Knowledge and Learning II (ref. 540572-LLP-1-2013-1-PT-ERASMUS-EKA), main objective is the creation, organisation and dissemination of a transversal subject and Post-Graduation curricula, focusing the lack and needs in creative industries sector to the entrepreneurial mind-set, upgrading the skills and teaching methods of higher education teachers in these areas, but also their ability to promote and nourish new business ventures in the realm of the “creative industries”.

Complementary objectives includes

  • the reinforcement of entrepreneurship as a relevant subject in the domains of arts and media disciplines;
  • the introduction and teaching of entrepreneurship at the higher education level in the areas of arts and media in Europe;
  • the bridging of the gap between art’s skillsets and business skills sets;
  • the creation of a cross European network of schools and organizations focused on promoting entrepreneurship teaching and research in the areas of arts and media and in reinforcing the linkage between training in these areas and the promotion of new business and activities in the areas of the creative industries;
  • the production of training and research resources and materials dealing with entrepreneurship and arts;
  • the aggregation around this network of a set of relevant schools, organizations and experienced professionals and academics that deal with entrepreneurship in the fields of the arts and media;
  • the association between the seminars to be implemented and the materials to be produced and disseminated;
  • the reinforcement of the public awareness of arts and media as valuable and relevant fields for entrepreneurship activities and development;
  • the reinforcement of the importance of the Creative Industries to the economic and social development in Europe.


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