Date | Event | Location | Goals |
November 2013 | CIAKL II – KICK-OFF MEETING | Lisboa, Portugal | Introducing the consortium and learning the project’s goals and outcomes. The kick-off meeting took place at Lusófona University, on the 21st of November of 2013. |
November 2013 | IN Festival – Innovation and Entrepreneurship 2013 | Lisboa, Portugal | Being the biggest event aggregator of innovation and creativity held in Portugal, the IN Festival promotes activities which have their origin in individual creativity, skills and talent, and potential for wealth and job creation through the generation and exploitation of intellectual property. This was another opportunity to unveil CIAKL II objectives among professionals in the area of innovation and entrepreneurship. |
July 2014 | Over & Out 2014 | Lisboa, Portugal | Over & Out is an annual showcase of the best work produced by students in the Department of Film and Media Arts which includes the Degree Courses in Digital Animation; Video and Multimedia Applications; Fine Arts; Film, Video and Multimedia Communication; Sciences and Technologies of Sound and Photography and the Master’s degrees in Film Studies and Multimedia Communication Systems of Lusófona University. This year the show ran from the 24th to the 25th of July at Lusófona University, on the 28th of July at the Turin Theater and on July 29 at Cinema São Jorge. |
October 2014 | CILECT Congress 2014 | California, USA | CILECT is fully dedicated to the stimulation of creativity, diversity and individuality, being deeply committed to maintaining the highest possible educational standards of audio-visual teaching and learning in its member schools, and to the encouragement of film, television and new media training in countries where it does not currently exist. |
November 2014 | ECREA 2014 | Lisboa, Portugal | The Conference, due to take place in Lisbon from 12 to 15 November 2014, has chosen as its overarching theme, ‘Communication for Empowerment: Citizens, Markets, Innovations’. The organisers call for proposals in all fields of communication and media studies, but particularly invite conceptual, empirical, and methodological proposals on inter- and transcultural communication phenomena and/or on comparative research. that link the general conference theme, as developed below, to the fields pertinent to each ECREA section. |
December 2014 | International Audiovisual and Multimedia Week | Lisboa, Portugal | Lusófona University’s International Audiovisual and Multimedia Week is an event full of workshops, lectures and demonstrations, for the training of students and trainers in the latest technologies related Cinema and Multimedia, as well as the dissemination of th work produced by our students. This year the event will run from the 1st to the 17th of December at Lusófona University. |
May 2015 | CIAKL II Insight Talks | Tallinn, Estonia | CIAKL II Insight Talks took place in Tallinn 18th and 19th May 2015. During these days, film and audiovisual media professionals, academics and researchers discussed the challenge of creating innovative methods and tools for teaching entrepreneurship at film, television and multimedia schools. For the programme and further info visit: |
July 2015 | GEECT Best Kept Secrets VI | Jerusalem, Israel | This year, GEECT Best Kept Secrets VI (BKS) happened in Jerusalem, at the Sam Spiegel Film & Television School. The sixth edition of BKS was dedicated to the theme of alumni, under the title “School Alumni Relations. Going the Extra Mile.” It constituted a turning point for the engagement of the main target group of our project, in a direct, collective dissemination event. Professor Manuel José Damásio presented some of the key results of CIAKL II and successfully engaged directors and representatives of film and creative media schools. Full Programme here. |
November 2015 | Train-the-Trainers Workshop | Cologne, Germany |
Train-the-Trainers Workshop (TtT) is a 2 day intensive course on engagement methods in entrepreneurship and management literacy in the areas of film and other creative media. TtT Workshop is ideal for teachers working in different subjects of film, arts, design, animation and other media courses. Come try the CIAKL II Course Toolkit and learn to help students develop entrepreneurial and intrapreneurial skills and competences! TtT Workshop is part of the Creativity Meets Business 2015 Conference. |
November 2015 | CIAKL II Final Conference: Creativity Meets Business 2015 | Cologne, Germany | Creativity Meets Business 2015 conference was thought out as an opportunity to disseminate all the results and leverage points for a paradigm change in entrepreneurial mind-set in the European region, and in other hand, to disseminate the subject and Post-graduation curricula to be adopt to any school, thus providing a knowledge and learning process pack to all community involved and interested in this areas. One of the roles of this final conference is to assure the future sustainability of this project via the promotion of such Cinema and Industry Alliance for Knowledge and Learning network and the development of a new area dedicated to help and empower schools, teachers and young entrepreneurs to actually turn ideas into business. |