Aims & Objectives

The expected results of this project are an objective and measurable increase of the integration of academic and professional skills produced and empowered by a platform of innovative collaboration in the realm of film, media and arts training in Europe, an increase in teachers and staff mobility between consortium organizations, the production and dissemination of teaching materials on entrepreneurship and innovation between consortium members, the actual provision of b-learning based training and the design of dedicated curricula and content.

The creation of the platform foreseen in the project will be the result of the integration of industry’s specific skills with content coming from both companies and management schools involved and will not only support collaboration and knowledge sharing but also interaction between partners towards the matching of projects concerning specific needs of the sectors involved.

The integrated experimental design foreseen in the project constitutes a fundamental innovation as it will allow its real adaptation to the contexts of real needs and not only well-intentioned as it has been the practice in the past in the field of teaching vs practice in the film and media area. The work basis of this project is already the basis of future development of our vision of the close relationship required between skills and market needs. Tough the project explores a methodology based on training trough project in development, a learner centered methodology that focus on learning by doing and on learning via actual market problems and challenges solving. This methodology demands strongly for the type of creativity and technological innovation highly present in the film and media industry and that the consortium seeks to emulate.


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